Thursday, July 30, 2009


For a variety of reasons I'm trying the self-publishing route with this book. There are a lot of pros and cons either way, but after giving it a lot of thought (read: sleepless nights), I decided that the potential pros outweighed the cons.

Doing this myself means that things are a lot different. First of all, I don't have a publisher (two actually) giving me deadlines or telling me how they think the book should look. I get to decide if the book will have metric or Imperial measurments, if I spell things like a Canadian or American (lots of u's being used), how many pictures will be included, etc.

It also means that I have to set my own deadlines and enforce them. This is much harder. If all goes well, the book will be completed in time to have it printed and available before Passover. If all doesn't go well, I'll have to rethink the plan.

Add the editing, photographing, printing, marketing, distributing, listings and anything else that I've forgotten to my list of responsibilities and doing it myself is a lot more work. Thankfully I have friends and family who are ready to pitch in.

The next few months should be interesting; learning as I go. It's also exciting and nerve-racking. All sorts of questions keep coming up and I'm trying to find the answers.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Passover Recipes You Really Want?

I just realized I should have included this in the previous post. If there are any recipes you'd love to see in a Passover cookbook, let me know and I'll see what I can do.


New Book Coming

Wow. I can’t believe I posted in September of 2007 that I was working on a new book and it’s now July 2009 and there’s been no book.

Not long after posting, I got an interesting freelance job, working on dinners that were held across Canada. Add to that, the regular job gets busier and busier, I neglected the new book for quite a while.

But since Passover of this year, I’ve picked up the book work with a vengeance. When I was writing food columns, the ones that always got the largest response were the Passover recipes. Readers and customers always wanted new ideas for Passover. Newer cooks often asked how to make traditional recipes. So that’s what I’m doing for the next book. Passover. A great selection of traditional recipes with a lot of modern recipes thrown in.

It will be a push to get it ready and out in time for Passover 2010, but I’m going to do my best to get it done.

I’ll be sure to update this when I have a better idea of when it might be available.

Hope you’re having a wonderful summer,
